Sunday, 25 April 2010

Change of Focus

When I created this blog, I wanted to try to take a lighter view of natural disasters, without really thinking of the devastating consequences they cause. With the volcano story that was easy, as no one was harmed in the initial eruption, but I have since realized that natural disasters are no laughing matter. The deaths many have suffered in recent floods, earthquakes, and other events should be treated with utmost respect, and while I feel like I never directly insulted or made fun of casualties resulting from these catastrophes, I also didn't hold it to the right level of gravity.

Very quickly I realized how much devastation natural disasters can cause. The loss of life, property, and homes, is very hard to replace. These disasters are reported almost every day from around the world, and we tend to shrug them off as just another unfortunate occurrence. Until you directly feel the effects of an event such as this which is so far beyond your control, you cannot hope to understand what these victims and their families are going through. At the same time, however, we can still sympathize and do what we can to bring relief to these disasters. I will try to focus more on the relief effort in future posts and will continue to report more recent disasters. It only took one post for me to start realizing a humorous blog on natural disasters might not be the best idea.

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